
Camping is a big part of the Scout Association. It's one of the many things that all sections do (especially in the older age ranges) that everyone enjoys but not everybody's sure how, so here are some helpful hints about camping in the UK. Dates of upcoming camps can be seen on our Events Calendar.

The good thing about camping with the scouts is that the group will take all the things like tents, cookers and food (unless it's an expedition, for which more training and details will be given by leaders) - so you don't need to pay for those or carry them with you!

As a starter, the link below provides a "camping starter pack" for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts that covers most of the basics you will need for camping (such as a rucksack, roll mat and sleeping bag). Even if you don't want to buy one of these packs, having a look at what they contain is a good place to start:

Camping starter packs

The Scouts have a standard camping 'kit list' that they give to their members every time they go camping (see below). This list is not exhaustive and may contain some things that aren't always needed. Once you gain experience at camping, you'll know what you're going to need from the list and anything else you may need to add - a leader or more experience member of the section is always a good place to go to for kit suggestions!

Camping and holiday kit list

It is important to note that, when camping in the UK, weather conditions make a big difference to what you should pack in your rucksack! For the UK, especially during the non-summer months, you will need:

  • Waterproof clothing (coat and maybe trousers)
  • Extra warm jumpers, sweatshirts and trousers
  • Extra under clothing (underpants and socks) - these should be warm and you should take more than one pair of socks for each day you're at camp - socks get very wet, very quickly)
  • Hot water bottle - on most camps it is very easy to boil some water before everyone goes to bed and fill a hot water bottle that can be used to keep feet warm in your sleeping bag
  • Strong shoes, boots or wellingtons